You only get one brain.
Let's make it work better.
What is LENS?
The LENS, or Low Energy Neurofeedback System, is a unique and effective form of neurofeedback that facilitates changes in people of all ages with a wide variety of issues.
Neurofeedback is a process that helps the brain reorganize itself. After reorganizing, the brain regulates itself better, becomes more flexible, and can perform optimally. With better flexibility comes better performance in many areas including focus, learning, memory, sleep, and mood.
Our Brainwaves team has helped clients achieve remarkable progress and personal growth through the LENS, from alleviating feelings of anxiety and depression to personal and family harmony.
Who can benefit from LENS?
LENS is appropriate for people of all ages and can reduce symptoms often associated with anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, autism, explosiveness, impulsiveness, migraines, seizures, and sleep issues, to name a few. LENS can also help people who have experienced TBIs (traumatic brain injuries), other brain trauma such as concussions and strokes, emotional trauma, birth trauma, and people with degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease and dementia. LENS can also help athletes and professionals who want to work on peak performance, improving mental clarity and focus.
The Brainwaves team will create a specialized LENS plan based on your specific needs and personal experience. We can adjust the LENS parameters to ensure you experience optimal benefit from your LENS sessions.

Schedule an appointment
Please call or text 615-241-0802 for more available appointment times.
1 hr
100 US dollars1 hr
450 US dollars1 hr
800 US dollars

"LENS healed me. Period.
If you’re reading this, and you’re depressed, or anxious, or suffer from PTSD, you have two thoughts right now: 1. What is LENS? This makes no sense! And 2. This isn’t going to help me. Nothing else has, and nothing ever will.
I know those thoughts well. LENS was my tenth (and final) attempt at pulling myself out of the darkest places I’ve ever been. Places that you wouldn’t wish for anyone to ever visit. The list includes antidepressants, EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, sensory deprivation, and acupuncture, to name a few.
I’m a completely different person now than I was eight years ago. I feel like I’m the person I knew I was inside but couldn’t see through the lens (no pun intended) of depression and anxiety. It’s a terrible feeling to know who you want to be and how you want to feel, and at the same time know that you have no way to get there. If you’re there, I know how you feel. I want anyone who is there to meet me where I am now. This is a life-changing, and in some cases life-saving, technology, and my wife Joanie and I want to share it with every person we possibly can."
Grant is a certified LENS practitioner and has a bachelor’s degree in Business from Tennessee Tech.

Joanie Fraser
"I have always had a passion for people’s well-being, along with a special place in my heart for children. After seeing the miraculous recovery in my husband Grant and recognizing all the other people in our lives who could benefit from LENS, I felt called to get certified as a LENS practitioner to bring the service to the people of Wilson County, Nashville, and the surrounding Middle Tennessee area."
Joanie is a Level II certified LENS practitioner and has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Wake Forest University, as well as a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Vanderbilt University.
How does LENS differ from other types of neurofeedback?
LENS is different from other types of neurofeedback because it takes fewer sessions for most clients to experience positive results than with other neurofeedback systems.
LENS also differs in that each session only takes a few minutes and requires no focus or effort from the client. Most neurofeedback systems require the client to sit still watching or listening to the feedback for 30 minutes and work to make changes. With LENS, the client does not have to pay attention or “do” anything. This makes it especially helpful with children, as well as people with autism or movement disorders.
Every neurofeedback system provides some type of feedback stimulus to the brain to help the brain reorganize. The feedback stimulus can be visual, auditory, electromagnetic, like our own brainwaves. LENS uses an extremely mild electromagnetic feedback stimulus, mirroring back the highest frequency wave of your own brainwaves at that moment.
Does LENS hurt?
No, LENS does not hurt. Some people do not feel anything, and some people feel a light sensation, like a tingling or aura.
How soon can I expect to see results?
Everyone is different, but many people see improvement after just 1 session! Most people experience improvement and a reduction in negative symptoms within 4-6 sessions.
How many LENS sessions will I need?
Many people become completely free of negative symptoms around 10 sessions. Some people will be symptom-free within just 4-6 sessions. Some people prefer to continue LENS sessions long-term as they work to finetune their performance in a specific area of their lives. Also, people with degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease or dementia will need ongoing LENS sessions to continue experiencing results.
What should I expect during a LENS appointment?
For your LENS appointments, you will enter a private room, with your LENS practitioner, and sit in a comfortable chair. You are welcome to bring close friends or family members, and they can actually be helpful in watching for your responses to the LENS.
Your initial LENS appointment will last 45 minutes to 1 hour and will include reviewing the online LENS questionnaires you’ve completed, discussing your symptoms and what changes to look for following your LENS sessions, and answering any questions you may have. Then, you will have your first LENS session! It will consist of an electrode being gently clipped to each ear, along with one or two electrodes placed on your head or body. The electrodes stick to your skin with a conductive paste that is placed on them and is easily wiped off the skin afterward. After the electrodes are in place, the LENS will do its work, recording your brainwaves and mirroring back the feedback.
Subsequent LENS appointments will last 15-30 minutes and will include discussing any changes you’ve noticed since your last appointment, along with another LENS session.
Is LENS safe for people of all ages?
Yes! LENS is safe for everyone. Most people do not display symptoms that would require LENS treatment at a very young age, but for young people who have experienced a traumatic birth, an injury, or are already demonstrating some negative symptoms, LENS is safe and can be helpful. If a child is unsure about the LENS process, it can be helpful for them to watch a parent or guardian complete a LENS session so they know what to expect and see that it will not hurt.
Is there any time I cannot do LENS?
If you are battling a cold or other virus, you should wait for your body to recover before having your next LENS session. If you have an appointment scheduled and are fighting a cold or virus, please call us to reschedule your appointment.
If you are pregnant, we will need to wait until after your pregnancy to do LENS because there have not been studies conducted on using LENS during pregnancy.
Is LENS FDA-cleared?
Yes, the LENS is an FDA-cleared biofeedback device.
Is LENS safe for people with Pacemakers or defibrillators implanted in the body?
Yes, there are no contraindications for people with these devices implanted in their body. Dr. Len Ochs said, “The LENS operates with a carrier wave for the feedback, which consists of an electro-magnetic field of less than 1*10 ㆒²⁵ Watts/cm² (.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000010.)...In my opinion, there is no reason that I can see- including caution- not to use the LENS or BodyLENS anywhere on the head or body of someone using a pacemaker or defibrillator. It further seems unethical to withhold treatment on the grounds that there may be harm from using the LENS or BodyLENS on someone with a pacemaker or defibrillator…There has never been evidence of one signal interfering or harming the other. There is nothing in the LENS or BodyLENS signal that can hurt the defibrillator/pacemaker or the person wearing one.”
Can LENS help animals?
Yes! Many animals have experienced improved behavior LENS!
where can i learn more about lens and related research?
LENS Neurofeedback is an FDA-cleared biofeedback device. Brainwaves and the services provided by its LENS practitioners are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by this website and/or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician and should not be construed as a medical diagnosis or treatment.